Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Jessica’s Silence Within the Merchant of Venice

Jessica’s Silence Within Shakespeare’s tragic comedy, The Merchant of Venice, one is exposed to yet another one of his works that has an intensely packed storyline full of different characters with their own complex subplots that contribute to the main plot. One of the main characters, Jessica, is daughter of Shylock, who is a wealthy Jewish moneylender in Venice. Shylock is characterized as a villainous type of character within the play, partly because of being a Jew and partly because of his rude and mean exterior.Within the subplot of Jessica and Shylock’s relationship, it is clearly visable by Shylock’s treatment of his daughter that she has become resentful of not only being his daughter, but also of being a Jew. When Jessica decides to rob her father of quite a bit of his money and property through an arranged setup with Lorenzo, the man she plans to elope after the robbery, she takes not only many things worth a great value, but also the ring that h er father had bought her mother.When Shylock learns of his daughter not only deserting him and robbing him, but taking such invaluable and prized possession as the ring, he is utterly heartbroken. After trading the ring for a monkey and marrying Lorenzo, Jessica is faced with a deep moral guilt in Act 5, Scene 1 when exposed to how Portia feels after tricking Bassiano to give the ring away while she was disguised. In Act 5, Scene 1, Jessica is completely silent after Portia and the others enter and they begin to discuss all of the disguise and trickery that had happened.When the men are told that Portia and Nerissa were in disguise and tricked the men of their rings, rings that the men had swore to keep for eternity, Jessica is exposed to how much love and emotion was attached to those rings. One would think that it must have been a shameful kick in the stomach to see past the fog that her love for Lorenzo has caused and realize that the hurt that these women are experiencing is the same pain that her father must have felt when realizing that Jessica, his only flesh and blood, the only person he could possibly love in this world, took one of his most sentimental treasures and traded it for a damn monkey.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Women’s Employment and The Phenomenon of Dual Breadwinners in Canada

Throughout the early parts of Canadian history, Canadian women served only as wives and mothers where they shared the reservations of motherhood, the tasks and responsibilities of managing their home, and the vocation of serving their families (Errington 7). Throughout this century, labor or work was significantly divided based on gender. As Elizabeth Jane Errington wrote, â€Å"Men hunted, worked the fields, and tended to the heavy outdoor chores. W]omen kept the home, raised the children, and provided the food and clothing needed for daily subsistence† (8). Regardless of their economic status, women were limited to producing goods and services for their households. They were tasked to clean the house, cook food for the family and worked on a routine household chore. Thus the lives of Canadian women were dictated by the â€Å"cycles of pregnancy, childbirth, and lactation† (Errington 11). During the twentieth century, women were still discriminated in employment. There were reports of unequal pays between men and women workers wherein men’s salary is far above than women’s salary. However, during the 1950s to 1960s, the â€Å"new employment statutes† in Canada were formed to prevent discrimination in employment relation to race, religion, and gender. For instance, the â€Å"first Canadian Bill of Rights† has enclosed equal employment opportunity for all Canadians regardless of their gender, thereby prescribing equal pay for men and women. However, this bill failed to address the employment condition of the disadvantaged group. Thus, in 1970s, brought by increased pressure from minority and women group, the federal government instituted special programs that would improve the employment status of both groups. In 1977, the Legislature passed the â€Å"Canadian Human Rights Act† which aimed â€Å"to protect Canadians from discrimination based on ten grounds: race, national ethnic origin, color, religion, age, sex, marital status, family status, disability and conviction for offence for which a pardon has been granted (Human Resources and Skills Development Canada† [HRSDC]). Six years later, the â€Å"Royal Commission on Equality in Employment (RCEE)† was founded to advance equal employment opportunities through methods deemed as most effective, efficient, and equitable. This activity was delegated to individuals with disabilities, aboriginal peoples, minority persons and women. The following year, Judge Rosalie Abella released the report of this commission which addressed the problem relating to employment disadvantage. This report served as an instrument in the creation of â€Å"Employment Equity Act† in 1986, the purpose of which is to: Achieve equality in the workplace so that no person shall be denied employment opportunities or benefits for reasons unrelated to ability and, in the fulfillment of the goals, to correct the conditions of disadvantage in employment experienced by women, Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, and visible minority people by giving effect to the principle that employment equity means more than treating persons in the same way but also requires special measures and the accommodation of differences. (HRSDC) Ever since this Act was instituted, the number of women’s employment increased significantly, almost causing women to claim equal percentage of employment with men’s employment. Considering a family where both a father and a mother are employed, dual breadwinners have become a trend in most family living in Canada. As the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC), referring to equal pay between men and women, noted â€Å"Canadian women have achieved considerable progress towards equality in the past few decades but are still far from having reached full substantive equality. Current Trend in Employment Equity: A report on Women’s Employment From 2005 to 2006, women's representation in employment remained steady at 42. 7 percent. In 2005, the percentage of women’s representation in the private sector was 43. 3 percent, while in 2006, it was at 43. 1. At the public sector, women’s representation was at 41. 7 percent in 2005, while in 2006, women’s employment was 42. 1 percent. Although, women’s employment is significantly high, it remained below the availability in both the public sectors and private sector with a total 48. percentage (HRDC). In the federally regulated private sector, most women found employment in the banking sector with 134,274 women population or 68. 4 percent in 2006. Other private sectors where women have representations are in communications, with 88,398 employed women or 40. 8 percent; transportation with 38,949 women employees or 24. 5 percent; and others with 14,783 women representation or 30. 2 percent (HRSDC). Meanwhile, the number of women based on their selected occupational group is also noticeable with a total of 44. percent in 2006, wherein women who are employed as senior manager was 22. 2 percent; middle and other managerial level at 44. 2 percent; professionals at 46. 3 p ercent; and Employment Equity Occupational Groups at 44. 7 percent. Compared to the employment equity data in 2001 wherein women employment based on occupational group is summed up to 45. 3 percent, women’s representation is lower in 2005 where said total percentage was at 44. 5. Yet, it increased with . 2 percent as compared to the previous year (2008) (HRDC n. p. ). Furthermore, according to a report from Labor Force Survey (LFS), the total number of employment in Canada has declined in March 2009, recording an estimated 61,000 unemployed. This marked the highest unemployment rate of 8. 0 percent as compared to 2001 where unemployment rate is only at 0. 3 percent. Employment losses are common among men ages 25 to 54 with 7. 7 percent unemployment rate, and the youth ages 15 to 24 with 14. 8 percent unemployment rate. In contrast to 7. 7 percent unemployment rate among men between the ages 25 and 54, the percentage of unemployed women in the same age bracket was at 5. percent (Statistics Canada 7). Employment of men whose age ranges from 25 to 54 was at 7,236. 6 (in thousands) while employment among women in the same age bracket was at 7,246. 5 (in thousands) recorded in March 2009 (Statistic Canada 24). Increased in unemployment rate was due to the financial crisis that faced the world economy where Canada is one of the most affected countries. Looking at the figures, one may assume that women are claiming equal distribution of employment among men. Also noticeable is the low unemployment rate among women (5. %) as compared to men (7. 7%). This only indicates that women are participating actively (by being employed) in both public and private sectors in Canada. Most Canadian women are now becoming family’s breadwinners. Employment Equity for Women is not yet in Full Substance Many changes have occurred concerning women’s representation in the federal government of Canada. Aside from labor force participation, Canadian women also found themselves actively participating in electoral federal voting (Erickson and O’Neill 375). According to Erickson and O’Neill, factors such as increase in levels of education, occupational segregation, and lower pay rates incited Canadian women to cast their vote on people, party, or policy that aims for women equality with men. Armed with these struggles, Canadian women are now seeking for a fairer treatment in the workplace. Gender-sensitive groups petition for creating policies that would provide equal pay, treatment, and opportunities for women seeking for employment and those who are already working. They also urge the federal government to stop violence against women which are often manifested in the form of spousal and sexual assaults. Although the status of Canadian women has significantly developed from being housekeepers to becoming senior managers, equality between men and women in the workplace is not yet fully realized and implemented. As the CHRC noted, â€Å"For instance, in 2000, the average employment income for full-time female employees working year-round was 70. 8% of the income of male workers. Aside from the employment income, other factors such as gender, ethnic origin, race, and disability contributed to the economic disadvantage of Canadian women. As has been stated, â€Å"gender-based violence in the form of spousal and sexual assaults† also prohibits the substantive equality of men and women (CHRC). With regard to nature of employment, although the employment rate of Canadian women has increased, they are â€Å"more likely to be hired in part-time a nd temporary work as compared to men† (Cranford, Vosko, and Zukewich 456). This indicates that Canadian women are more exposed to negative employment environment such as â€Å"limited benefits and statutory entitlements, low earnings, job insecurity, low job tenure, poor working conditions, and high risks of being sick† (Cranford et al. 456). Many critics blamed the â€Å"feminization of employment norm [which] caused the erosion of the standard employment relationship [which then led to] the spread of non-standard forms of employment that exhibit qualities of [unstable] employment† often experienced by most Canadian women (Cranford et al. 56). The growth of non-standard employment began in 1980s and is continuously being practiced in the country. Furthermore, the feminization of employment standards was said to be brought by the following factors: occupational and industrial segregation; increased number of women participating in formal labor force; the gendering of jobs to accommodate more laborers; and occupational and income division betwe en and among men and women (Cranford et al. 460). Looking at this employment trend, it seems that Canadian women are still victims of inequality. In fact, many studies confirmed that the reason why most Canadian women working on a part-time and temporary basis is because they are being obliged to perform their chore of care giving for their family. As Cranford and associates put it: â€Å"[O]ver-representation of women in more precarious forms of employment is shaped by continuous gender inequalities in households resulting in women’s greater responsibilities for unpaid domestic work compared to men† (460). Thus, although most Canadian women are now taking their part as breadwinners of the family, they are still more bound by their household responsibilities as compared to men. Women Employment and Dual Breadwinners With the increasing number of women receiving higher levels of education, particularly those who are able to finish their college degrees, most of them are finding their chance to be employed in a high paying job. Being highly paid, these women are no longer concerned with the financial support that would come from their spouses. Most of them are interested in becoming successful in their chosen career. Such women’s aggressiveness often results in bringing home higher income as compared to their husband. However, over time, the phenomenon of dual breadwinners in most households across the globe has been bombarded with different issues relating to gender roles, equality, economic status, and others. It has been perceived that when a woman (particularly married woman) starts to work and serve as the breadwinner of their family, indirectly, the tendency is that later, she would abandon her role as a wife and as a mother. As Dr. Gail Saltz wrote: For some couples, having the woman make more money than the man creates an insurmountable problem. Some men feel emasculated if their wives are the primary breadwinners and they are asked to take on more household chores and additional childcare responsibilities. And some women feel resentful if they not only shoulder most of the household’s financial obligations, but also are expected to pick up the lion’s share of the domestic responsibilities. Moreover, living in a society that associates money with power, most people believe that the one who brings home more money automatically would lead or dominate the members of the family. Yet, the positive effect of women’s employment and the event of dual breadwinners can be observed in the progress of the economic and financial status of each household where both parents are employed and are receiving good income. Women Breadwinners in Canada One of the most radical changes in Canadian employment condition brought by the passage of Employment Equity Act was the growth of dual-earner husband-wife families as early as in 1960s. Statistics Canada identified that the increased in numbers of dual-earner couples during the past years was brought by the growth in numbers of wives who serving as the main wage earner in the family. In 1967, it was recorded that approximately 11 percent of married women were earning more than their spouses. In 2003, this percentage had nearly tripled, recording 29 percent increase on the number of women serving as primary breadwinners. Findings revealed that wives serving as primary breadwinners have an income of approximately $41,200 in 2003 compared to $57,800 income of their male counterparts (Statistics Canada). Although it has been noted that there are a considerable number of Canadian women who serve as primary breadwinners, Statistic Canada noted that primary-earner married women are receiving an income that is less than the income of primary-earner husband. Thus, families with wives as primary breadwinners are noted to lag behind the families with husbands serving as primary breadwinner. As stated in Statistic Canada report, Family incomes in which the wife was the primary breadwinner averaged $74,000 in 2003, compared with $86,000 for families in which the husband was the primary earner. In addition, on average, primary-earner wives contributed less to family income than primary-earner husbands. Employment earnings of primary-earner wives represented just over half of their family's income, while the earnings of primary-earner husbands corresponded to two-thirds. Analyzing this development, it can be assumed that although most Canadian women had found their place in labor sectors, there are still factors which serve as barriers for women to become the primary breadwinners of their families. Analysis and Conclusion Although women’s employment had increased over time and that there are a significant number of women who serve as family’s breadwinners, women have not yet reached an equal status with men nor replaced them as the primary earner in many families in Canada. One of the factors contributing to such trend is related to the amount of income being received by most employed women. Although the Employment Equity Act encouraged equal pay between men and women, most companies in Canada still give higher income, benefits, and incentives to male workers due to perceived work hazard where male workers are more exposed. Another reason is that most women are engaged in low paying job. Although there are some who work as managers and high professionals, many women are employed in blue-collar occupations such as clerical, secretarial, service, and sales jobs where the salary is low. Men who are employed in blue-collar jobs receive higher pay than men because of the nature of their work which require strong physical attributes. Moreover, though there are a large number of women employed in both private and public sectors, the tenure of their employment could not guaranty high earnings. In addition, most women are more often receive part-time, temporary, or contractual jobs as compared to a large number of men working as full-time employees. Being employed as part-time worker prohibits women to receive more benefits and incentives being given to full-time employees. With these conditions, the following conditions of employed women in Canada can be inferred: (1) equity and equality between men and women has not yet reached its full substantive goal; (2) Canadian women are still victims of male dominion both in family and labor affairs; (3) Canadian women are still struggling to have an equal status with Canadian men as primary breadwinners; and (4) Canadian women still need to encourage the federal government to create a more effective and efficient policy addressing the issues of inequality between men and women by enclosing all the aspects of living (economic, social, political and cultural). Only when these conditions are addressed properly will Canadian women receive their equal share in all aspects of living among with men. Meanwhile, the positive effects of women’s employment and phenomenon of dual breadwinners in Canada are: (1) women are able to contribute to the budget of the family; and (2) families with dual breadwinners are more likely to progress economically and financially. Works Cited Canadian Human Rights Commission. Social Equality in Canada: A Submission from the Canadian Human Rights Commission to the United Nations Human Rights Council as part of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR). 4 Dec. 2008. 1 May 2009. . Cranford, Cynthia J., Leah F. Vosko, and Nancy Zukewich. â€Å"The Gender of Precarious Employment in Canada.† Industrial Relations 58 (2003): 454-482. Erickson, Lynda and Brenda O’Neill. â€Å"The Gender Gap and the Changing Woman Voter in Canada.† International Political Science Review 23 (2002): 373-392. Errington, Elizabeth Jane. Wives and mothers, schoolmistresses and scullery maids working women in Upper Canada, 1790-1840. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1995. Human Resources and Skills Development Canada. History of Employment Equity. 16 Sept. 2003. 1 May 2009. . —. Employment Equity Act Annual Report – 2007: Chapter 1: Women. 18 Jul. 2008. 1 May 2009. . Saltz, Gail. â€Å"Women as Breadwinners?† 24 Jan. 2007. 1 May 2009. Statistics Canada. Labor Force Information. 9 Apr. 2009. 1 May 2009. . —. Study: Wives as Primary Breadwinners. 23 Aug. 2006. 1 May 2009.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Development of an E-commerce web site Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Development of an E-commerce web site - Essay Example Despite the fact that I did enjoy working with the provided software MS Visual Studio in the workshop session, I have chosen Adobe Dreamweaver as my web development application. I have decided to work with Adobe Dreamweaver mainly because I feel more familiar with the software application, using and creating forms, tables, and buttons together with all other Adobe software, for example, Photoshop, Flash or Fireworks. The scripting language that I have chosen for this task was PHP. The reason why I have chosen PHP instead of ASP.NET C# was that I am more familiar using PHP coding using the Dreamweaver development application. I also wanted to use MYSQL for the products database, even though the learning curve for PHP and ASP.NET C# are about the same based on what you want to achieve. Another reason why I have chosen PHP was that the chosen hosting provider offers a great tool called PHPMYADMIN where MYSQL databases can be created, imported and exported. After testing on your local ma chine, for example with the APACHE XAMPP software, I also chose my testing server application. Regarding the design, I have used the CSS technology to create a simple but immersive shopping friendly look for the web site. This can be shown below in figure 1and 2.Solving the matter of design has brought me to the coding and scripting process.At the beginning of the development process, my coding was aimed for testing the web page on my local machine. Therefore, the PHP scripting was written in a path for accessing the database from my local root folder., as can be seen below. [Figure 3] This code serves to enter the data from MYSQL database called products, created for the web store site containing six items each with five fields: id, name, description, price and an image field. SQL is a standard interactive and programming language for querying and modifying data and managing databases. It is both ANSI and ISO standard. Coding for this specifying database is show below: [Figure 4] A very important part of the development process is testing and evaluation. After linking the database with the web site by coding in my web development application software, it was necessary to test the connectivity and accessibility before uploading it on to the web server. As mentioned earlier, I have chosen the software called APPACHE XAMPP for testing the site on my local machine. The reasons why I have chosen XAMPP as my testing software are that I find it easier to work with, it’s free, it’s provided with quick and simple installation and it includes the PHPMYADMIN tool. This tool allows you to create, import, export save and backup your already existing MYSQL databases. This will save you lots of time when uploading the site on to the server where most of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Mitigation and Response Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Mitigation and Response Plan - Research Paper Example The first priority of this program is to protect the America from terrorist attacks and coercion. Second on the list is to ensure secure national borders both the south and the North. Moreover it ensures laws governing immigration are followed to later. This department prosecutes those who go against the country laws. And finally, it assists communities to plan, respond and recuperate from disasters.DHS believes in the homeland security enterprise. This refers to the collective responsibility of Federal, state, local, tribal, private sector entities, non-governmental organizations, individuals and communities to beef up security abilities. These parties share a common interest in safeguarding and assuring security to the American population. Existence of sophisticated communication network between these parties and agencies provides crucial information that step up security measures across the country’s borders (Jean, 2003). Essentially, the ultimate goal of DHS is to ensure a safe homeland where citizens are assured of their liberties and protection of their privacy.DHS is among the most crucial element of the national enterprise. This department possesses unique abilities and responsibilities in securing and managing borders and systems of immigration.DHS undertakes leadership and stewardship roles in areas relating to critical infrastructure protection and emergency management On the other hand, DHS in liaison with other departments and agencies have key roles and responsibilities to undertake on areas like defense, diplomacy and counterterrorism. Some of these departments or agencies include justice, Defense and state, the National Counterterrorism Center and Federal Bureau of Investigation. On policy making, the white house plays a key role in giving direction and helps in coordinating (Jean, 2003). This plan intends to explicitly outline mitigation and response actions towards averting a terrorist crime on borders and the possible measures and effe ctive strategic plan to be embraced to manage risks on the national borders. It is notable that chapter 2, subsection 6 of the USA constitution provides that, the main responsibility is to defend the United States of America and its territories. Some of the risks that face the United States today, include Al-Qaeda and global terrorism, wide-scale cyber attacks, pandemics and major accidents, illicit trafficking and smaller scale terrorist attacks (Jean, 2003). This plan intends to use Al-Qaeda and Taliban global terrorist attack as an example of a crisis in this case study. Terrorist attack has become a major shock wave in the United States of America. Focus on the plan‘s suitability and efficiency on mitigating and responding to the crisis shall be considered. There has been several Al-Qaeda and Taliban attempted attacks on America before and after 11 2001.For instance, on 12 October 2000. Al-Qaeda attacked the USS Cole in Yemen. This incident occurred on the port of Aden. On e year Later this al-Qaeda directed a very serious attack on several buildings in America, which left many people dead. This remains memorable and listed among the worst terrorist attack in the world. After the 2001 terrorist attack, al-Qaeda has since then directed attacks

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Explain the transformation from the Grand Alliance of World War II to Essay

Explain the transformation from the Grand Alliance of World War II to the development of the Cold War. Why was it impossible to maintain the former Was the - Essay Example (Nordlinger, 5) With the US entering the Second World War following the attack on Pearl Harbour, the three world powers, the US, United Kingdom and the Soviet Union were forced to come together to develop strategies to hold back and defeat the axis.(Greenfield, 3-23) At least as far as UK-US relations this strategy was a far easier task for the two nations. Despite the US’s isolationist position in the earlier stages of the war, it remained supportive of the UK. (Greenfield, 3-23) Essentially the Grand Alliance involved a series of common goals and understandings between the US, the UK and the Soviet Union. Following the attack on Pearl Harbour the three countries would both formally and informally negotiate and agree at wartime conferences, government meetings and summits on strategies to defeat Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan and Fascist Italy. (Stone, 20) The Soviet’s association with the Grand Alliance grew out of necessity following Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union, in June of 1941. (Stone, 15)Following which both British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and US President Franklin Roosevelt pledged their countries’ support. Once the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour the Grand Alliance became a reality. In other words, the UK, the US and the Soviet Union faced a common threat and while the Grand Alliance was primarily focused on war time cooperation, the three nations recognized a common goal to ensure post war security on a global le vel by ascertaining that Germany and Japan would not remain a threat to world peace following the war. (Lewis, 178-241) On 4 February, 1945, the Soviet’s Joseph Stalin, US President Theodore Roosevelt and UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill convened in Yalta on the Crimean Peninsula for what was one of three major war time conferences. The primary purpose of the meeting was to not only

Friday, July 26, 2019

Social Welfare in America Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social Welfare in America - Research Paper Example The great depression of 1930s had devastating effects to the citizens of United States. Legislatures of that time took an initiative to create Social Security act in 1935, which influenced programs such as pension schemes, address issues touching on the unemployed, and children welfare (Alexander 5). Cushion families from financial difficulties was the intention of the social security act. The government stability depends on its ability to address factors influencing the wellbeing of its people. President Roosevelt’s regime lingers in the minds of the Americans whenever they discus social security programs. US legislatures amended the social security act in 1939 to cater for unemployment compensation (Tushnet 125). Unemployed are susceptible to hard life conditions, which can drive them into committing social crimes as a means to cater for their needs. The program intended to provide stipends, which would cater for their basic needs. Federal government created agencies, which could oversee welfare programs in United States. The agencies created through 1939 social security act include Department of Health and Human Service (HHS), Labor Department, Education, Agriculture, and Urban Development and Housing (Caputo 231). Each department addresses issues affecting US citizens. For instance, the department of agriculture addressed influences that originate from agricultural production in the nation. Education department ironed issues, which influenced acquisition of education in the United States. Historians believe that US welfare has been able to address critical issues, which influence human development (Handel 143). In 1965, US passed a social welfare act, which influenced the lives of elderly persons in the nation. The intention of the act was to compensate old persons by creating a kitty, which would cater for their wellbeing. The elderly have the challenge when it comes to finances, which would settle their bil ls in the society. The elderly compensation program has enabled many elderly persons to lead a positive life after retirement. In 1996, US government passed Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (Epstein 46). The intention of the act was to address poverty effects in the society. The growing number of the poor in US was worrying and the government had to develop strategy, which could influence their lives. The act gives the federal government the power to direct funds to various states to cater for the poor. Assisting the poor accords human rights because the government has the mandate to protect the poor (Reintsma 212). Largely, the protection of the poor as stipulated in the in the constitution is a reality through this act. Medicare provision to US citizens has elicited debates on how the poor could benefit from the welfare program. The provision in the Medicare program is to ensure the US citizens can access quality healthcare. The program is in line wi th United Nations requirement, which intends to improve human health care as a basic requirement (Zastrow 136). Medicare social welfare program dates back to the time of President Johnson when United States had to compensate war veterans and their families for their contribution to

Deliberation log Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Deliberation log - Essay Example A1: Despite an intention to cease any misuse of public benefits, such treatment teaches families to act responsibly, but takes away money from children, who can not be blamed for their parent’s illegal behavior (6). A2: However, instead of disregarding a disintegration of personality, government should establish more effective programs that will be aimed at providing just opportunities, medical care and psychological help for drug users so that they could get back on the right path (7). C1b: The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) and the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) have been launched with the purpose to increase the number of marriages, encourage single mothers to find a job and eliminate alcohol abusers out of the program. A2: People on welfare tend to feel self-blame and shame along with a constant fear to lose offered financial assistance. This fact may cause a serious damage to the health condition of such recipients. V2: It has been proved that such factors as education, parental status, employment, marital status and age do not cause prominent effect on the results of the analysis hence they should not be included in the descriptive

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Marketing Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 15000 words

Marketing - Dissertation Example The other section of the literature review concerns cosmetic companies, their practices regarding animal testing, and the history of protests against these companies, which has led to the European Union instituting a marketing ban of companies who animal test and has also led large companies to scale back their animal testing procedures, if not eliminate them altogether. The methodology section explains the different types of research – qualitative, quantitative and secondary – and why secondary research was chosen. In the data analysis portion, the sales of six companies are examined, along with the results of a Google search on these companies. The Google search will determine if the overall â€Å"buzz† for each company is negative or positive, with regards to their animal testing practices. Then, the impact of the positive or negative buzz for each company is determined through the use of Facebook pages, and the fans of pages that are either negative or positi ve for each company’s animal testing practices. ... On the one hand are the researchers, who claim that the tests are necessary so that the cosmetics do not harm human skin or eyes (Takamatsu, 2000, p. 129). On the other hand are the activists who claim that animals have the same rights as humans to be free of pain and fear, and that the tests are unnecessarily cruel(Leslie &Sunstein, 2006, p. 3). Many people undoubtedly fall into some kind of grey area between these positions, recognizing that what is done to animals in these laboratory settings is heinous and wrong, yet also realizing that the potential for humans to suffer permanent damage because of the cosmetics that they wear would also be heinous and wrong. Many people assume that there is a better alternative to animal testing, and, if there is not, one must be found. At any rate, when these types of tests began to be publicized, there was an outcry that prompted many cosmetic giants to fold and promise to stop animal testing(Nye, 2006, p. 1). This study seeks to understand th e negative impact of cosmetic testing on these companies. The study will not just determine what the possible negative impact will be for the companies who continue to animal test, but will determine what has been the past negative impact for other companies who have animal tested. In general, the study will seek to quantify, in terms of dollars, cents and lost reputation, the damage done to cosmetic companies who were shamed into stopping animal testing in the years past. Further, the attitude of consumers is another factor that will be quantified. Some of the literature indicates that having a positive social message is not necessarily enough for a company to capitalize – they also must have a quality product at the right price(Li & Tang, 2010, p. 27). Might this

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

CBRN Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear weapons Essay - 2

CBRN Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear weapons - Essay Example ssion of how terrorists can use weapons of mass destruction against the United States and how the government of the United States can mitigate the threat in the event that terrorists were able to acquire the material and actually make an attack. Terrorists can use biological weapons to cause mass destruction in the United States. Biological weapons include those viruses and diseases that can reach the targeted places to cause large-scale deaths (Kortepeter & Parker, 1999). Some of the common viruses and diseases that can be used as biological weapons include smallpox, anthrax, Nipah virus, rise blast, and Chimera virus. All of these viruses can be transmitted to the United States easily because they require just air, food, or water to reach the destination. These days, a deadly disease causing threats for the people all over the world, is Ebola hemorrhagic fever. The main point regarding this virus is that it causes fever that leads to instant death of the affected person within days Peters, 1999). This virus can be transmitted to the people living near the affected person through air and physical contact because of which it is listed in the category ‘A’ of the most hazardous biological weapons. Although this virus is currently affecting the region of Africa, terrorists can spread this virus to the United States by making some affected people to enter the borders of the United States though Caribbean and Mexican routes. Illegal border crossing has been an issue for the government of the United States for a long time. Drug smugglers and human traffickers use the Caribbean and Mexican routes to smuggle drugs and humans into the United States. To reduce the threat of Ebola, the government of the United States needs to ensure that no Ebola affected person can enter the country through air and sea routes. The government needs to put into practice some effective viral detection mechanism at the airports and seaports to ensure that no affected person enters the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Non verbal communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Non verbal communication - Essay Example This paper shall aim at highlighting a number of gestures, their meaning and the circumstances under which they are used. The first gesture to look into is pointing using the index finger while complementing certain speeches. This gesture is an illustrator when one is trying to show the other direction but in other circumstances it is regarded as rude when one is angry or trying to undermine another. It is also used to give warning where one feels that they are being offended by another. Looking at ones watch is another that falls under regulator gestures that may mean that the current conversation is to end as there is no time. It also tries to sensitize others that time is running short. It is may also seem rude to others especially when one tries to convey a message that they are bored and may want to leave or stop the interaction. The other is leaning forward which is usually used to show respect. It can also be used ironically to show disrespect to others. It is therefore also dependent of the circumstances of usage. Walking away is another gesture whereby it may show disrespect to the ones being left behind e.g. students walking away from their teacher (Yule, 2010). Walking away can also show respect where one wishes not to argue especially with a superior to show they will do as requested without protests. This one may in a deeper sense indicate that the one being left is stupid as reasoning with them is useless therefore no reason to remain and discuss. Tapping ones fingers is also another gesture that is common with people who are showing respect to one another or where there is shyness from one or both parties and falls under the beat gestures. It happens more often in official and dating situations. It may also mean in a deeper sense that the one tapping their fingers is in a hurry or is not so much in to the conversation meaning they may not be

Monday, July 22, 2019

Thomas Hardys Beeny Cliff and After Essay Example for Free

Thomas Hardys Beeny Cliff and After Essay Two poems that discuss moments or situations where life can be celebrated are Thomas Hardys Beeny Cliff and After reading in a letter proposals for building a cottage (Cottage) by John Clare. The poets particularly discuss the beauty of life with regards to the natural world around them and their thoughts on interaction with other people. Nature and features of animals and plants play a large role in these poems displaying their love of life. In the first stanza of Cottage it is mentioned that grass plats grace the door. The use of the word grace is of significance here as this suggests that he feels that his home has been blessed with the presence of nature; or that at least he welcomes it. The positive impact of nature is also evident in the first stanza of Beeny Cliff as he describes the opal and the sapphire of that wandering western sea. The sea being described with the appearance of precious and beautiful gemstones shows he is impressed by it, as well the alliteration and personification of wandering western which rolls off the tongue paints an affectionate picture of the ocean. There are many other positive natural references with John Clare describing his small enclosed garden, flowers that blossom sweet and the sweeping swallows; while Thomas Hardy mentions the clear- sunned March day and how the sun bursts out again. All of these natural events are ones that the poets obviously enjoy and they have both included them to show the positive image of the times they are writing about. The relationship between the poets and other people has great significance and shows great difference in the way that they enjoy life. From the poems we can deduced that Thomas Hardys time on Beeny Cliff was much better because of the presence of the woman; while John Clare seems to enjoy his time spent alone without much in the way of company. There are several points in the poem where this is suggested. From the first line of Cottage the shed is described as my shed. If this was shared with a partner or companion it would read our shed which suggests he is living alone. In the second stanza his door closes tight as wells as locks being a wanted thing to keep thieves out at night; which shows that he wants his cottage to be secure which may seem obvious but as he has dedicated an entire stanza to this, it shows that keeping people out is a priority. The bulk of the poem discusses the presence of nature with no mention of people which alludes to his feeling that nature is enough of a companion for him; while the penultimate stanza mentions a cupboard for the books showing off another pass time which allows him to be entertained without company. In an unusual way he is celebrating life because he is describing what would be a perfect existence to him which is one of little human contact while he can revel in literature and nature. This is of course in contrast to Beeny cliff which would be an entirely different poem without the presence of Hardys female companion. Whereas Clare describes the need to keep a distance between himself and others, Hardy uses his words in describing the woman, painting her as the woman riding high above with bright hair flapping free. We know that he has strong feelings towards her as in the first stanza he describes her as the woman who I loved so, and who loyally loved me. He also mentions that the woman now is-elsewhere, showing that unlike Clare he cares about not having company of other people. For further evidence of love for life in Cottage, ostensibly there is language such as I love summer seat and two uses of the word sweet. In terms of structure it is laid out in symmetrical four line stanzas which match the neat and perfect picture portrayed in the poem. However if you look deeper into the language there are some subtle religious references. For example the word grace in the first stanza is used which is referenced frequently in Christianity. As well as this the line pin to the wall with nails in the third stanza which may be referring to Jesus Christ being nailed to the cross. There are many other examples which may allude to having religious links. The book cupboard may be for a bible and in the last stanza when he says Ill thank ye for the gift he may be thanking god for nature or life. However these poems are by no means only stating that life is perfect. Some of the images created show more negative themes such as how nature turns sour and the woman appears to leave Thomas hardy in Beeny Cliff as well as how John Clares images of solitude and desire control nature could be considered dark and abrasive. However yet another U-turn could be made and opinion could lie in the vein that these slightly darker elements could create a piece of work that resembles real life in the way that life is never perfect. Perhaps many positive images combined with some negative ones shows that life should be celebrated because of its challenges.

The disabled children Essay Example for Free

The disabled children Essay The truth is that inclusion, as a system has gained nationwide attention in the last thirty years. Inclusion advocates, such as The Association of Persons with Severe Handicaps, argue that all disabled children should be included. The National Council on Disability recently stated that most students with sensory impairment should be taught in regular classrooms (Special Education Report, 1993). At the very least deaf children education programs contemplating inclusion (IEP) must consider the following issues(U.S. Department of Education, 1992): communication needs and the childs preferred mode of communication; linguistic needs; severity of hearing loss and potential for using residual hearing; academic level; social, emotional, and cultural needs, including opportunity for peer interactions and communication. According to Irene Leigh, a deaf psychologist, the concept of inclusion is positive and useful for many children with disabilities, but a generalized application which does not take into consideration the special individual characteristics and needs mentioned above might have serious psychosocial repercussions for a considerable number of children and adolescents with hearing problems.(Leigh 73) One of the benefits inclusion brings is the opportunity for the student who is deaf to live at home. Deaf students who attend a special school that is beyond commuting distance must live at the school during the week. Students in an inclusion placement in their local school are able to be with their families during the week and the proximity to the area where they live provides opportunities to develop neighborhood friends. Daily association with hearing students in an inclusion setting also helps students who are deaf to develop their ability to communicate with hearing people, leading to skills they will need in later years. The study carried out by professor John Luckner, in the division of Special Education of the University of   Northern Colorado, identified  successful students who were deaf or hard of hearing and were receiving education in general education settings in order to examine the   factors contributing to their success. Students acknowledged five main factors: their own effort and perseverance, the support from their families, the high standards their school friends set for them, the use of a variety of equipment to socialize as well as to learn (FM systems, hearing aids, text telephones, computers and close captioning) and sports which were not only enjoyable from the socializing point of view but very useful as a way of learning life skills. Dr. Ann T. Halvorsen, Professor of Special Education assures that â€Å"Inclusive settings provide far more variety in activities, and stimuli are not so easily controlled.   The pace of a general education classroom is typically faster and more spontaneous.   Ensuring that students have the opportunity to practice skills sufficiently in such a dynamic environment is critical† (100). Inclusion also provides good opportunities for learning the standards of the hearing world. Students who are deaf and attend schools for children who hear may be able to master the norms of hearing society better than those who are immersed in the culture of a special school for students who are deaf. It’s important to take into account that the education of deaf children needs and benefits from the inclusion of deaf adults at all stages. In fact, some years ago, many children in integrated settings did not even realize adults existed. Harris Sterling wrote about some children who thought they would become hearing when they became adults, others thought they would die or just fade away somehow since they had never had an adult role model (cited in Stone 1994). The subject of the adult role model is a very important one. It is essential that the schools make every effort to attract adult people into the school system. But they must be careful not to employ them only as aides or assistants because children will notice that the deaf person is always in a lower status position than the hearing teacher. It is really positive for children to see deaf and hearing professionals sharing power and making decisions together, this avoids the feeling that they will grow up to be forever told what to do by hearing people in the hearing world (Stone 66). Another advantage of inclusion is the possibility deaf or hard of hearing students have to choose an academic or vocational program that suits them from a wider range of choices in their home school district than in their nearest special school. Although states differ in policy and practice, there is a model for broad programming that reaches beyond state borders. The National Agenda for Moving Forward on Achieving Educational Equality for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students (2005) offers a set of priorities designed to narrow the gap between deaf and hearing students based on the belief that communication access is a fundamental human right and that every deaf and hard of hearing child must have full access to all educational services. The goals of the National Agenda consider inclusion as a good option for deaf or hard of hearing students only when it constitutes the â€Å"least restrictive environment† for them, once each individual case has been evaluated and the best placement options have been considered. Deaf and hard of hearing students should count on placement options that provide for their language and communication needs. What constitutes the â€Å"least restrictive environment† (LRE) for deaf and hard of hearing students must be determined by considering their communication and linguistic needs as well as their educational, social, emotional, cognitive, and physical abilities and needs. For some deaf and hard of hearing children, a special school is truly â€Å"least restrictive,† just as for others a regular classroom is LRE. In either case, the child’s needs, not a generic concept of LRE, must determine what is truly LRE for each individual child. According to the National Agenda, deaf and hard of hearing children are entitled to access the general curriculum. Too often the concept of â€Å"general curriculum† is confused with â€Å"least restrictive environment† or with placement in a regular classroom. The two concepts are separate and distinct. Every deaf and hard of hearing child, whether in a regular classroom or a special school or program for the deaf, should have full access to the general curriculum as consistent with his or her needs. The National Agendas success in bringing attention to the need to achieve these goals has occurred as a result of the shared roles, responsibilities and commitments of professionals, parents, and consumers throughout the United States. Inclusive education was initially seen as a special education service, but the focus is now on creating inclusive schools which unify resources and integrate programs in such a way that all students in the general education classroom are benefited. Unlike integrated or mainstreamed students, students who receive inclusive education are members of the general education classroom community. According to Halvorsen Neary :â€Å"the single most identifiable characteristic of inclusive education is membership. Students who happen to have disabilities are seen first as kids who are a natural  part of the school and the age-appropriate general education classroom they   attend†(3)   Acceptance that the deaf students have social and educational skills and motives similar to those of their hearing partners may greatly stimulate the hearing majority to  develop a willingness to learn about deaf language and culture. Inclusion as equals can not be possible for deaf and hard of hearing students if it is only them who have to make all the accommodations (Connor 2006). The whole general education community as well as society will benefit from inclusion, if the concept is applied conscientiously. Inclusion provides opportunities to experience diversity of society on a small scale in a classroom, develops an appreciation that everyone has unique characteristics and abilities, develops respect for others with diverse characteristics, develops sensitivity toward others limitations, develops empathetic skills, helps teachers recognize that all students have strengths, increases ways of creatively addressing challenges, develops teamwork and collaborative problem solving skills, promotes the civil rights of all individuals and supports the social value of equality. The word inclusion for deaf and hard of hearing students cannot be seen simply as a placement decision. It must refer to a philosophy which maximizes the child’s abilities and potential, facilitates communication with others, permits the child to act as a full participant in his education and promotes the development of positive self-esteem. To be included, a child must feel included. Any program or school which calls itself inclusive must meet these criteria. References Connor, M.J. (2006) Mainstream Inclusion of Deaf Children and Young People.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Principles and Tensions. Retrieved March 2009 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Halvorsen, A.T. Neary, T. (2001).   Building inclusive schools: Tools and strategies   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   for success.   Boston: Allyn Bacon, 3 Leigh, I.W (1994) Psychosocial Implications of Full Inclusion for Deaf Children and   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Adolescents. Implications and Complications for Deaf Students of the Full   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Inclusion Movement, 94-2, 73 . Retrieved March 2009 from The National Agenda Steering and Advisory Committees.(2005). The National Agenda   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   for Moving Forward on Achieving Educational Equality for Deaf and Hard of   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hearing Students. Retrieved March 2009 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Nowell, R. Innes, J. (1997) Educating Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing:

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Management and leadership of astrazeneca

Management and leadership of astrazeneca INTRODUCTION Strategic management leadership is the framework of all organizations success. According to my experience of working in AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, it is my understanding that strategies are tactical plans needed by any organization to ensure dynamic achievement of its objectives. Both areas of management leadership are magnanimously benefited by how these strategies are enforced. Hence, the way management is being performed must be conjoined by a leadership that shares similar tenacity in reaching its goals. But these goals may not always be objectified nor the organization geared to the path it is expected to go. This also gives great importance in controlling these strategies to the people who do it. 1.1.1 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT comprises a series of long-term managerial decisions actions in which a firm selects implements strategies. The purpose of these strategies is to build the firms strengths through market positioning /or accumulation of internal resources that will give the firm an advantage over rivals (Parthasarthy, 2007). 1.1.2 STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP refers to the leadership capabilities of strategic managers in conceiving an inspiring vision guiding the firm to its vision. The quality of leadership is assessed by the strategic choices managers make that endow the firm with the competitive advantages it needs for sustained good performance (Parthasarthy, 2007) The way an organization goes through its strategy processes in order to achieve its company mission translates to what management leadership styles are to be implemented. One organization that greatly exemplifies a successful management leadership style that is congruent to its strategies in achieving its objectives is the global company AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals Incorporated. LEADERSHIP MANAGEMENT IN ASTRAZENECA PHARMACEUTICALS 1.2.1 COMPANY PROFILE AstraZeneca takes great pride in having an immense range of pharmaceutical products in its pipeline is one of the worlds leading companies in the market. It discovers prescription medicines, both biologics vaccines, develops manufactures them for significant dimensions of healthcare: pain infection, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, neurology, oncology respiratory. It spends more than $15 million daily on breakthrough medicines. Its head office is located in London, UK but its 3 major research development sites are found in SWEDEN, UK USA. Now, AstraZeneca operates in more than 100 countries worldwide. 1.2.2 LINK BETWEEN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT LEADERSHIP The success of the organization is reliant on how its strategic management leadership is confederated translating to effective achievement of objectives. Strategic Management is responsible in formulating, executing assessing the effectiveness of these corporate tactics. It follows a global set of guidelines in all its areas of function research development, manufacturing distribution, operations management sales marketing. These are then streamlined to the different corporate levels for execution to meet the organizational performance target for the month, semester fiscal year. The company relies on how effective the strategies are as devised by the management in turn, the management entrusts the companys triumph in the market over competition by how leadership gets the job done on the frontline. 1.2.3 MANAGEMENT LEADERSHIP STYLE IN ASTRAZENECA AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals performance is dependent on the level of commitment the employees devote to their individual tasks. The company commences its achievement of objectives from its vision of researching developing the best ethical pharmaceutical products in the market for sales marketing people to promote create demand for. Throughout the process, every other corporate function gets involved in achieving the organizations target sales growth market leadership. Thus, it is fitting to say that how these people are being motivated managed dictates how much commitment they are willing to put into practice. REASSURE CHALLENGE STYLES OF LEADERSHIP adjust the level of challenge and make sure there is an appropriate level of performance anxiety. The goal is anxiety in moderation. Performance commitment is high if only if employees feel slightly anxious about succeeding. Reassure style of leadership help employees cope with the stresses challenges of work life. Challenge style of leadership push employees by raising the level of challenge (Hiam, 2000). This organization deals with a business that sustains life health. Its main guideline for all its employees around the globe is the promotion of safety, health environment protection. It demands its employees to follow these guidelines for their own individual benefit but it also ensures the organizations protection of its employees as well. The management actively advocates for well-documented reporting of adverse events or any untoward incident involving any of its promoted on-study products showing its commitment to valuing life health. 1.2.4 LEADERSHIP STYLE ADAPTED IN DIFFERENT SITUATIONS Since pharmaceutical business presently faces a diversity of issues in the market, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals campaigns for the 3 Bsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Brilliance Beyond Basics. The company urges every employee to utilize every company resource strategically. As research development processes cant be compromised, strategic spending effective economics are implemented in the sales marketing departments specifically. Having brilliance beyond basics is utilizing the best companys assets, its people, breakthrough pharmaceutical products, employee training skills enhancement in the most strategic way. To help these employees cope perform satisfactorily, there is a constant mentoring in-field coaching for the frontline employees, scientific trainings conducted regularly involving all levels of sales marketing management to combat competitors strategies, team-building activities being held quarterly in all departments giving importance to professional-personal life balance, regular forum between top management all other levels to discuss any concern involving employment, benefits disputes, open communication among all employees performance review of not just managers on employees but employees on managers as well, ultimately national conferences to gather employees from all parts of the country/organization to give citations merits for job well done. 1.2.5 EVALUATION OF LEADERSHIP STYLE AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals competes in the market with various pharmaceutical giants influx of local drug companies by meeting them headstrong through its valuable product portfolio. As this organization is involved in research development, it takes pride in its ethical products envisions itself to be the No.1 ethical pharmaceutical company in the world each passing year. It believes in empowering its people who as a result empowers the organization its business. In ensuring that all employees get heard, the company uses the greatest tool in knowing about their view of the entire organization, its management leadership, through the Focus Survey. This strategic tool serves as evaluation by employees of how strategic managers leaders run the organization. Global guidelines being designed each year every revision period in AstraZeneca is dependent on the result of the Focus Survey. 1.3 CONCLUSION The management leadership style of AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals have been successful in enduring the stringent market competition. It strategically addresses every business challenge continuously empowers motivates its employees. The style adapted by this organization is best exemplified by Buhler in stating that leadership is more focused on energizing people in their performance while management is more focused on monitoring their performance levels (2001). Both areas really work hand in hand serve critical functions for this organization to achieve its objectives. The management leadership style of an organization transcends to employee performance. Motivated people in a company sustains the organization its goals.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Challenging The Institution of Sport and Its Values: The Costs and Benefits of Female Athletes in M :: Film Films Movies Sports Women Essays

Challenging The Institution of Sport and Its Values "Sport is not an expression of some biological human need," writes Michael Messner, "it is a social institution. Like other institutions, such as the economy, politics, and the family, the structure and values of sport emerge and change historically, largely as a result of struggles for power between groups of people" (8). Indeed, changing the structure of any the institution is a struggle that is not by any means easily won. The institution of sport presents a unique set of boundaries to overcome with regard to gender equality in male-dominated sports. Both men and women take big risks when they forge new ground by competing in a sport that is traditionally dominated by the opposite sex. This paper will discuss the costs and benefits of women competing in predominately male-dominated sports by examining Karyn Kusama's Girlfight and Pumping Iron II: The Women. In Karyn Kusama's Girlfight (2000), Diana Guzman is a tough young woman, struggling to get by in a low-income area of the Brooklyn. After continued disciplinary problems in school, Diana channels her aggression into training to become a boxer. She fights to assert herself both inside and outside of the boxing ring: inside the ring, she proves that she is a strong and athletically talented young (woman) boxer; outside of the ring, she fights to define and prove herself in a broken home. After proving her strength when she defended her brother Tiny in a sparring match at the gym, Diana asks Hector to train her to become a boxer. Hector replies, "You can train, but you can't just can't. Girls don't have the same power as boys." Hector's response, and the response of most of the men in her life is indicative of the function and effect of power in the institution of sport. Michael Messner argues: "The structure and values of sport are largely shaped by, and in the interests of, those who hold power...power is not simply a top-down, one-way process in which dominant groups assert and enforce their rules, values, and beliefs over dominated groups. Rather, power is a process in which dominated groups may partially accept, but also attempt to redefine, negotiate, or even reject, the ruling group's rules, values, and meanings" (12). Diana proves to Hector, and her competitors, that her strength and athleticism are not only comparable to her male counterparts, but often far exceeds them. Challenging The Institution of Sport and Its Values: The Costs and Benefits of Female Athletes in M :: Film Films Movies Sports Women Essays Challenging The Institution of Sport and Its Values "Sport is not an expression of some biological human need," writes Michael Messner, "it is a social institution. Like other institutions, such as the economy, politics, and the family, the structure and values of sport emerge and change historically, largely as a result of struggles for power between groups of people" (8). Indeed, changing the structure of any the institution is a struggle that is not by any means easily won. The institution of sport presents a unique set of boundaries to overcome with regard to gender equality in male-dominated sports. Both men and women take big risks when they forge new ground by competing in a sport that is traditionally dominated by the opposite sex. This paper will discuss the costs and benefits of women competing in predominately male-dominated sports by examining Karyn Kusama's Girlfight and Pumping Iron II: The Women. In Karyn Kusama's Girlfight (2000), Diana Guzman is a tough young woman, struggling to get by in a low-income area of the Brooklyn. After continued disciplinary problems in school, Diana channels her aggression into training to become a boxer. She fights to assert herself both inside and outside of the boxing ring: inside the ring, she proves that she is a strong and athletically talented young (woman) boxer; outside of the ring, she fights to define and prove herself in a broken home. After proving her strength when she defended her brother Tiny in a sparring match at the gym, Diana asks Hector to train her to become a boxer. Hector replies, "You can train, but you can't just can't. Girls don't have the same power as boys." Hector's response, and the response of most of the men in her life is indicative of the function and effect of power in the institution of sport. Michael Messner argues: "The structure and values of sport are largely shaped by, and in the interests of, those who hold power...power is not simply a top-down, one-way process in which dominant groups assert and enforce their rules, values, and beliefs over dominated groups. Rather, power is a process in which dominated groups may partially accept, but also attempt to redefine, negotiate, or even reject, the ruling group's rules, values, and meanings" (12). Diana proves to Hector, and her competitors, that her strength and athleticism are not only comparable to her male counterparts, but often far exceeds them.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Components Of Law :: essays research papers

Components Of Law   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In class, we broke components of law up into four categories. System of social norms on which laws are based, a group empowered to enforce the laws, a legitimate system of enforcement, and a system for interpreting the law. Throughout this essay I’ll divide up these categories, and give examples of each of them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A system of social norms on which laws are based, generally determine what is good or bad in a society. Legalization of alcohol consumption makes it moral to consume alcoholic beverages, but stores that sell have guidelines to sell the legal beverage. But the illegalization of prostitution, however, is immoral. No one should have to sell their body for money in our society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Law enforcement is a group empowered to enforce the laws. Some laws are unenforced, such as traffic and jay walking laws. There is also a legitimate system of enforcement, that lets a body that has seen a legitimate act to carry out the law. An example is a police officer acting on an observed robbery.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The last component of law is a system for interpreting the law. All laws cannot cover every situation that may happen, therefore it must be interpreted. The Supreme court applies or interprets the law and/or gives the law meaning. Words have no meaning unless we give them meaning to laws and the constitution.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Sociological Definition of law suggests a link between laws and customs. To understand laws you must study social conditions and background(effects all of society). Components Of Law :: essays research papers Components Of Law   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In class, we broke components of law up into four categories. System of social norms on which laws are based, a group empowered to enforce the laws, a legitimate system of enforcement, and a system for interpreting the law. Throughout this essay I’ll divide up these categories, and give examples of each of them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A system of social norms on which laws are based, generally determine what is good or bad in a society. Legalization of alcohol consumption makes it moral to consume alcoholic beverages, but stores that sell have guidelines to sell the legal beverage. But the illegalization of prostitution, however, is immoral. No one should have to sell their body for money in our society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Law enforcement is a group empowered to enforce the laws. Some laws are unenforced, such as traffic and jay walking laws. There is also a legitimate system of enforcement, that lets a body that has seen a legitimate act to carry out the law. An example is a police officer acting on an observed robbery.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The last component of law is a system for interpreting the law. All laws cannot cover every situation that may happen, therefore it must be interpreted. The Supreme court applies or interprets the law and/or gives the law meaning. Words have no meaning unless we give them meaning to laws and the constitution.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Sociological Definition of law suggests a link between laws and customs. To understand laws you must study social conditions and background(effects all of society).

Color :: essays research papers

What is Color? You are wondering what it is to be a color? Are you a color if you paint yourself white? Is color just an exterior or is it an interior as well? Is the color you are on the outside, the color you are on the inside? Think about it this way, many people in our culture pretend to be something that they are not, just another white man, or just another black man. The fact of life is that you are what you are, and that you cannot, excluding major reconstructive surgery change what you look like. So basically pull out your box of Crayolas and color yourself whatever color you want to be, because everybody is different in their own way. As Webster’s dictionary explains, color is defined 10 different ways. First color can be defined as: a visual attribute of bodies or substances that depends upon spectral composition of the simulating the retina and its associated neural structures. So basically what I am trying to say is that no one color is exactly the same in anyone’s eye. But is it fair to judge a book by its cover, or is it fair to assume that every Twinkie has a different flavored filling, so to speak. In our school alone it is safe to say that there are roughly seventy-five different cultural backgrounds and probably ten different main sects of religion. But it’s unfortunate that people even today are judged by the color of their skin and not the content of their character as Martin Luther King Jr. has said. Even though this is true I feel that it is equally bad that we as a nation group people together stereotyping one person in a group as all the people in a group. So in order to reach n ew heights as a nation we must come together to show that color isn’t everything, and in fact color isn’t anything at all.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Celebrity Culture Essay

Celebrity culture is recognized today as the popularization of certain individuals that have characteristics which may or may not be authentic, but society views as exceptional. Today’s stars do not really need to have an admirable talent or virtue to be known throughout the world. These idols are now able to gain worldwide coverage through common celebrity magazines and accepted television shows due to self-promotion or unethical behaviour. The celebrity culture always has and always will have an impact and influence on society. Celebrities are constantly in the media and have become role models for adolescents and teenagers. The adolescent minds in the current generation is becoming more deviated from picturing the world as a whole and is more focused on their own â€Å"bubbles† where anything in that bubble must directly relate and affect them. The most noticeable impact is on their views towards beauty, sexualisation or sexual development, and health. Beauty, in a typical teenager vocabulary, has been narrowly transformed into a young, symmetrical, skin-and-bone, tanned woman or man swishing back and forth their gorgeous hair and smiling their perfect teeth. Commercials featuring these celebrities give an impression of â€Å"if you want life and happiness† be like me and buy these products. Teens are misunderstanding that they are more than the sum of their possessions and salaries, more than the sum of their appearance and image, and more than the sum of their achievements and failures because of what they are seeing and everyone else is seeing through the media. More and more of teenagers are being affected by the sexualisation of girls according to mental health experts. A research on analyzing the effects of virtually every form of media from music lyrics to video games showed an effect that young girls are succumbing to the pressure of sexualisation by posting naked pictures of themselves on the internet or allowing boyfriends to take nude photos of them. Furthermore, casual celebrity sex appears to be the norm amongst the youth. As a result of an over-sexed society, young girls can be found with self-image and emotional problems like anxiety and shame, and lack of confidence in and comfort with her own body. Sexualisation of girls has negative consequences on girls’ ability to develop a healthy sexual self-image, research suggests. Celebrities do not only have a negative impact on the personalities and looks of fans, but also in their health. There have been cases where fame has been used positively and to send out a good message but there have been other instances in which celebrities have put out a bad image. For example, the appeal of drug and alcohol abuse has increased and so have images of intoxicated celebrities in magazines and television. Celebrities have glamorized smoking in the media and are setting an example for people everywhere that it is acceptable to smoke. Stars should make it an ambition to refrain from using drugs and drinking excessive amounts of liquor because it sends a message to supporters that a life of drugs and alcohol is a satisfactory way to live. Celebrities need to change the way they act and how they are viewed. Their actions have more of an effect on us then many people believe they have. Thin, compulsive celebrities are changing the way many young teenagers think and act. Celebrities need to change these unpleasant habits now and realize that they need to be more concerned with themselves and with their portrayal in the media. Unfortunately, the power of who becomes famous and what images are presented is completely in the hands of the media.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Importance of Financial Decision-Making in the Business World

In the business domain of a function, pecuniary decision- rile is important. rough musical arrangements pull in trouble with business relationship and the fiscal decision-making process in todays diverse presidential termal ethics. In this earths current economy, the expectation for organizations is to assume in an practiced manner. The business world consists of people with different honourable view systems, which makes it difficult to define ethics (The journal of Accountancy, 2007). Organizations that do enforce a calculate of ethics whoremonger create discarded behaviors within the organizations. These un honourable behaviors can light upon every individual associated with the organization.When an organization instills substanti entirelyy ethical behaviors, its rate of success and higher status is more likely to be high. organizational ethics are a significant part in financial decision-making and accounting. estimable principles banding the foundation on which a cultured society exists. An exceptional exemplar of ethics in accounting and cash in hand is the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. After several(prenominal) financial frauds reported in 2001 and 2002, the president sign(a) the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in July 2002. This act constituted major modifications to the financial practices and collective brass instrument regulations. According to n. d. 2006), The given name is after Senator Paul Sarbanes and Representative Michael Oxley, who were its main architects, and it as well as set a number of non-negotiable deadlines for all organizations to comply (para. 1). The Sarbanes-Oxley Act, known as the corporate responsibility act, act gives considerable supervising responsibilities and control to the Securities and Exchange Commission ( atomic number 16) supra organizations external auditors and distribution of financial statements. The SEC essentialiness employ a familiar company accounting oversight mount up (PCAOB) with the a uthority to control the public accounting (Albrecht, Stice, Stice, & Swain, 2005, p. 01). This law was put in displace because of the involvement of Enron and Tyco International in several accounting scandals. For most organizations, making funds is important specie is what makes the business successful. However, a business that becomes greedy and decides to make money illegally will eventually founder. In the article beyond Sarbanes-Oxley, Neil S. Lebovits, advises businesses to ensure their ethical health by doing several things. Lebovits suggests that organizations must employ the prosecuteing three ethical best practices to be successful discipline ethical role models, demonstrate ethical ecision-making, and encourage pushback (Lebovits, 2006, para. 5). The Directorate of Planning, Training, Mobilization, and Security (DPTMS) organization that I work for employs these three ethical best practices daily. The management incessantly ensures that workers make out professiona lly while serving soldiers and making the right decisions that could affect the soldiers training during this snip of war. The DPTMS leaders provide explanations on how to make decisions and why the selection of the judgment. The organizational managers have an open-door policy to listen to the workers concerns.Additionally, managers walk end-to-end the day asking employees if he or she has any issues that the managers could suffice on. These types of actions create a sense of trust in the leadership that everyone worker wants to emulate. Lebovits also proposes that organizations can do more to ensure the organization workers give birth ethically at all levels. Lebovits suggests that, first, organizations school ethical role models. These role models structures must include natural influencers who exhibit voiceless ethical behavior in their periodical work in the financial departments of the organization.Organizations must give influencers proper recognition on every occasio n possible. By involving influencers in assignments, the individuals can have an encouraging force in the organization. When an organization rewards its influencers efforts, the organization can cultivate ethical conduct (2006). organizational ethical behavior starts at the run of the organization. The leadership must motivate individuals to follow its behavior. Employees watch and listen to their management conservatively for signs of how to act. Leaders should behave accordingly and set the example for the workers to follow.When suitable, leaders must itemize workers examples of their business decisions involving their ethics and how they used well(p) judgment. This type of honest conversation provides employees with a quick look on how leaders act and think while representing the organization (2006). Moreover, Lebovits proposes that organizations should also encourage pushback. In separate words, companies should encourage their employees to speak up if they movement fina ncial actions and decisions that affect them. Ethics hotlines, anon. e-mails and approachable managers are ways for companies to nurse this type of feedback.Organizations and their key personnel should always conduct themselves ethically and legally. They should promote an purlieu in which employees can articulate work-related concerns without blackball effects and free exchange of discipline (2006). The organizations that decide to implement and follow good ethical behavior will get success and an excellent status as ethical and fair instiution to the clients, employees, and the shareholders. These benefits will assist the organization in the financial phase, and when organizations fail to execute will result in poor financial performance.References Albrecht, Stice, Stice, & Swain, (2005). Accounting Concepts and Applications (9th Ed. ). Quebecor World, Versailles, KY South-Western, Thomson. Lebovits, N. (2006, August, 2006). Beyond Sarbanes-Oxley Three best practices to adopt in your organization. Retrieved March, 2011, from http//www. aicpa. org/pubs/jofa/aug2006/lebovits. htm N. D. (2006). The Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Retrieved from http//www. soxlae. com The Journal of Accountancy (2007). Retrieved March, 2011, from http//www. aicpa. org/pubs/jofa/joahome. htm

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Bcom275 Legalization of Marijuana

Bcom275 Legalization of Marijuana

Marijuana is actually a safer alternative.Alternately, the American Medical Association (AMA) does not support smoked marijuana as medicine (1995-2013).With such conflicting different opinions around this highly controversial drug, there are many questions to be answered in order to decide the steps the federal government can/should be made for a final resolution. Argument For Nearly one in ten Americans used marijuana in 2010; however, our nation spends over seven billion per same year to enforce the illegalization of this natural substance. A recent poll taken in 2011 shows marijuana has increasingly become the preferred particular drug for Americans.Medical marijuana is normally controlled via country regulations that may limit the selection of plants that late may be increased or the wide variety.Dr. Jeffrey Miron, an economics professor at Harvard University, completed a comparative study which determined the approximate cost of enforcing the illegalization of marijuana. The report estimates legalizing marijuana would save, â€Å"$7. 7 billion per year in government expenditure on enforcement of prohibition.

Many argue that marijuana is not any more dangerous than cigarettes logical and spirits and ought to be legalized.). The United States has been engaged in a losing battle against marijuana since the effective implementation of the Uniform Narcotic Act in the 1930s (Bonnie & Whitbread, n. d). We are not only wasting $7.So why Marijuana old has to be penalized.2 billion if it were taxed like alcohol or tobacco† (Cost of Illegalization of Marijuana, n. d. ). Marijuana is not addictive and has a stark contrast of addictive properties when pitted against the addictive characteristics of legalized tobacco logical and alcohol.

In the shape of pills, marijuana is prescribed to alleviate the nausea and vomiting that often accompany chemotherapy., para. 2). The IOM also observed cannabis withdrawal symptoms are rare and do not require acid substitution medicine to stop usage. When marijuana smokers cease consumption, the overwhelming majority do not experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms demanding re-initiating use of marijuana according to the IOM.Explain the method where the criminal chief justice system would affect.There are negative aspects of marijuana use, but as is there with coffee, soda, candy, alcohol, and tobacco. Americans need to revaluate old rhetoric from where marijuana was deemed evil and a gateway drug. The only reason marijuana could be considered a gateway new drug is because often time’s consumers are exposed to shady drug dealers on a substance deemed as illegal. If Americans opened their eyes logical and minds to see how much money and effort is wasted to fight a los ing first battle become aware of how much could be profited from the legalization of marijuana the decision is straightforward; marijuana should be legalized.

Legalizing marijuana free will add to the perception that marijuana isnt harmful and doesnt serve as a gateway new drug in many instances.According to the American Psychological Association, APA, addiction â€Å"is a condition in which the body divine must have a drug to avoid physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms† (2013). Unequivocally, marijuana affects learning and memory, both of which are function in the brain. With these affects to the growing mind it is flawed to think marijuana is non habit forming, which undoubtedly leads to withdrawal symptoms upon termination of use. smoke Marijuana is sex-inhibiting.Marijuana was banned for a long time in contrast.Furthermore, there is scientific evidence to support that long-term medical marijuana smoking alters the reproductive system. The gateway theory postulates the use of less harmful drugs (such as marijuana) early may lead to future risk of using more dangerous hard drugs. To test try this theory a group of r esearchers in Sweden administered rats the equivalent of the THC (the chemical found in marijuana delivering the â€Å"high†) in one joint to lab rats.After this administration of THC the rats were allowed direct access to heroin by pressing a lever.

When stopped and frisked, marijuana is for.Marinol, a synthetic version of the naturally occurring major component of marijuana, is a well accepted, well researched, and more effective treatment than marijuana (Kraus, 2007).This approved drug, like marijuana, late helps alleviate chronic pain, reduces chemotherapy-related nausea, and with HIV/AIDS treatment it helps with symptoms known as â€Å"wasting syndrome†. Many proponents of legalizing marijuana for these specific illnesses have not looked into marinol as a small safe alternative. As a matter of fact the only difference between marinol and marijuana is that marinol what does not stimulate the â€Å"high† associated with marijuana.Medicinal Marijuana is the ideal choice for treating PTSD.Marijuana is prohibited and it puts private individuals in circumstances where they are exposed to harder drugs, therefore if the FDA had regulations on marijuana, those many individuals would never have to be exposed to tho se situations. In regards to the effects of marijuana, such like a low sex drive, just like every medication whether it is over the counter or prescribed, there good will be side effects which will affect everyone differently. Marijuana has the ability to alleviate certain aliments such as nausea, and other types of pain.Some argue pharmaceutical drugs can combat the same aliments; however, they also come with side effects and may require additional medication to combat the onset of new symptoms.

The government would find a good deal of cash.7 billion dollars enforcing the prohibition of the substance is persuasive enough in based its self, as well as the potential revenue brought in by taxing the substance like good tobacco or alcohol. Keeping marijuana illegal is only keeping drug dealers in business. While common law enforcement continues to chase these petty drug dealers it is costing our taxpayers millions of several dollars to put and keep drug dealers behind bars.The legalizing of marijuana would benefit the economy greatly, therefor medical marijuana should be legalized.It shouldnt be able to tell folks what to do, as angeles long as they dont hurt others in their actions.This was believed to invite the spirits of the departed, purify the room, and encourage people to dance.Japan’s cultivation of Cannabis came to a halt at the lower end of World War II when allied forces occupied and began to help rebuild Japan. It how was America General Douglas MacArthu r and his colleagues who re-wrote the Japanese constitution in 1948 and mirrored many of the United States laws. MacArthur and his team created the Cannabis Control Act, which tightly controlled and illegalized the use of cannabis.

Decriminalization laws change from state to state.This ideal wishful thinking of marijuana has lead Japan to be one of the strictest laws and punishments compared to other developed countries. In 1993 a Disc Jockey from New York, Christopher Lavinger, was arrested and was sentenced to 16 months in prison and 35 days in solitary confinement after Japanese local police found 1. 5 grams of marijuana, 3. 5 grams of cocaine, and some LSD (Hays, 2009).Typically sure everyone has some kind of difficulty and smoking marijuana may offer help.The people would also great need education on their history of using cannabis within their ancient traditions and target one many high-profile figures to support the use of marijuana. Because of the strict laws and taboo views Japan what has of cannabis, it would be a hard road, but the understanding and education used properly, Japan could create new legislation that would override, or amend their constitution and current laws banning its use. Refe rences American Medical Association (AMA). (1995-2013).

It is harmful to your health.). American Psychological Association (APA). (2013). Retrieved from http://www.Legalization, on the side, means that theres no penalty whatsoever of the drug is completely legal.d. ). Retrieved March 24, 2013, letter from http://dbp. idebate.

Marijuana legalizations subject is growing more and more vital as 2016 brings nearer.d). The Forbidden Fruit logical and the Tree of Knowledge: An Inquiry into the Legal History of Historian of American Marijuana Prohibition. Schaffer local Library of Drug Policy. Retrieved from http://www.There are tons of reasons why It ought to be lawful.† Marijuana. Ed. Noah Berlatsky. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012.

Its better to have a good look at the signs.Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.Lung cancer may be avoided by making use of a locale-attribute=en Food and Drug Administration (FDA). (2006). Retrieved from http://www. fda.

There arent any health benefits related to marijuana usage.Retrieved from http://factsanddetails. com/japan. php? itemid=664 Kraus, Mark L. â€Å"Legalizing Medical Marijuana Is Not a public Good Idea.Current Controversies. Rpt. from â€Å"The Dangers of Legalizing Medical Marijuana: A Physicians Perspective. † 2007.Marijuana use rising in U. S. , national survey shows. (2011).

Monday, July 15, 2019

Rain Water Harvesting: A Solution To Water Crisis

pee supply is an inwrought re lineage. No iodin sack make love and dwell without irrigate. Hence, we should non bothow the computer address of the animateness waste, kinda we inwrought enclose it. We whoremaster do so by the constitutions of pelting harvest- sequence- date. pelting harvest-festival refers to the growth of ingathering and storing of pelting piddle. pelting harvest-feast admirers in providing drinkable wet, piddle for irrigation, rustic purposes or for land weewee reload. It is wiz of the ruff solutions to irrigate trouble in the aras having hapless urine resources. fall governing bodys argon uncomplicated to construct.Usu each(prenominal)y, rain wet is any harvested from the territory or from a roof. During the wet oceansons, the rain piss mountain be serene and stored in the tanks. in that respect ar more a(prenominal) methods to harvest the rain piddle. Usually, the methods apply be Catchments Areas i. e. the beas which exalt up rainfall designately. In this, coat argonas c are roof of a structure or caliche-topped area much(prenominal) as blunt demesne or lawns crowd out be utilise for the catchment areas. understanding catchment techniques has more chances of salt away urine from the hulkingr break by means of areas. terminal system It is intentional jibe to the fall of irrigate system that is postulate to be stored. store system moldiness be slopped and does not leak. centiliter must(prenominal) be entrap from time to time to bandaginging the urine fair(a). slayral systems which transfer the rain urine supply smooth on the rooftops to the memory board tanks and that is make by reservation associations to unity or more shovel in-pipes machine-accessible to the rooftop gutters or pipes. The gutters must be make as much(prenominal) that if it rain starts,the red cent result be serve into the smooth-pipe and clean urine comes ou t. Advantages/Benefits of rain set ashore piddle system gleanIt is angiotensin converting enzyme of the trump out solutions to irrigate enigma in the areas having piteous pee resources drop-off of crap Erosion. modify lineament of territory piddle system. fosterage of irrigate take aim in rotate up and bore approach. slide down in the strangling of be look at peeing drains and photoflooding of the roadstead. rain piddle flows down the hills in the take a crap of teeny-weeny streams which stick unneurotic to ca-ca rivers and lakes. And this is the authorised and the inbred source of irrigate for the alive beings. some of the rain wet percolates down the acres until it reaches the clayey emerge. at that mystify it hoard ups to stamp a large undercover weewee reservoir. such(prenominal) irrigate is obtained on cut into come up and it is called sub-soil urine or foundation wet supply. Thus, thither are common chord main(preno minal) inseparable sources of piddle supply anyway extravagantly forthcoming ocean pee. The sea weewee being saline solution feces not be sued as such all for industries or for house servant consumption. (a) rainfall piss or hoodwink weewee. (b) open water (river, lakes, streams, posteriorals, ponds, and so forth ) (c) principle water or sub-soil water wells and springs. pelting HarvestingIn urban areas, the expression of houses, footpaths and roads has left(a) lesser unfastened kuchha mankind for water to soak in. In split of the pastoral areas of India, flood water focal ratioily flows to the rivers, which wherefore ironic up curtly aft(prenominal) the rains stop. If this water bunghole be held back by memory or by decrease speed of flow, it shadow exudate into the show and recharge the cornerstoneworks water supply. This has catch a truly habitual method of conserving water specially in the urban areas. rainfall reap fundamentally intend assemblage pelting on the roofs of make and storing it electrical resistance for later(prenominal) use.not exclusively does this recharging pay off install water depletion, it as well as raises the declining water put over and fire help amplify water supply. rain crop and simulated recharging are get really signifi fundamentt methods. It is essential to stop the decline in ground water levels, emergency sea-water ingress, i. e. , celebrate sea-water from pathetic landwards and preserves surface water run-off during the rainy season. townspeople planners and polite dresser in many cities in India are introducing by-laws devising rain pull together imperious in all modern structures.No water or cloaca connection would be given, if a impudent expression did not construct ea disconcert for rainfall glean. such rules should as well be enforced in all the separate cities to look a rise in the groundwater level. Realizing the impressiveness o f recharging ground water, the CGWB (Central earth water Board) is victorious steps to supercharge it done rainwater result in the large(p) and elsewhere. A count of governing buildings have been asked to remove water crop in Delhi and an separate(prenominal) cities of India. totally you wishing for a water harvesting system is rain, and a place to collect it.Typically, rain is amass on rooftops and other surfaces, and the water is carried down to where it can be employ straightaway or stored. You can direct water run-off from this surface to plants, trees or lawns or as yet to the aquifer. some(prenominal) of the benefits of rainwater harvesting are as follows I. Increases water approachability II. Checks the declining water table III. Is environmentally prosperous IV. Imporves the smell of ground water through the dilution of fluoride, nitrate, and coarseness V. Prevents soil wearing away and flooding, particularly in urban areas

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Behаviоrаl Explаnаtiоns Generаl Psychоlоgy

Shrtly fter purch blabber persnl cm numberuateer, my fther strted utilise mesh n dily bsis. Mrever, he wuld elapse nights brw spill. Men part, my mm ws cmbining her cllege studies (t intoxicate exigentantnd eductin) with wrk nd wuld usully cme bck hme ttlly wiped ut. at that placefre, she ws nt t arche exemplaryal cncerned with wht my fther ws up t during lte up to nowings nd nights since e real subject she wnted t d ws t derail t underside s sn s pssible nd fll sleep. Hwever, lter n eitheraffair chnged. She nticed tht her husbnd wuld cme bck hme lte nd change breakerace strted utilize up nights n the ffice sf.In some dys she sw him acquiring up nd wordlessly knead n his hme cm sticker in the fondness f the night. Since they hve lredy been mrried fr 15 yers she t front cnsidered it n n-line ddictin tht hs lredy been n the gend in mny fmilies. Hwever, she ws certin her husbnd culd nt glide countersign sites ll nights lng. fter hving analyze ll f his pckets n d bgs, she fund n nswer in his e-mil bx which prvided her with the exhibit f n n-line lve ffir with yung ldy frm nther prt f the wrld.In precise shrt slice she hs filed fr divrce withut hving ny hesittins r regrets. With indicted bve mteril in psyche we my stte tht the prblem is clerly sscited with n-line che tinkle nd behvir which it c personas. Hwever, the questin is cn cyber intimte reltinships be legato cnsidered s che sound? Vst mjrity f psychlgists clim lthugh dultery nd che tinkle typiclly hve physicl cnsequences, they ll pop in beatn judgements nd hve unionize cnnectin with nervus system.T presentfre, nline lve ffir is nthing moreover che sound rel-life prtners thugh fr thse wh re invlved in it, it is mre f n entertinment thn serius come out. They chance upon it s unhrmful nd sfe wy t crry ut their fntsies. CNCEPT IDENTIFICTIN. T investigte the wall plug I selected tw ntins f generl psychlgy hbitutin nd the thery f opinion (TM). s chirrupn beings, we tak e a leak utilize t things. Smething tht is in the buff nd fabulously kindle cn becme tedius. This crusade t hve declining respnsiveness t smething is clled hbitutin (yu skill ls her smene sy tht yu seize hbituted t smething).Fr cryingnce, in that location my be go for yu relly equal s yu put it n the wll in yur rm. Yu find out this portray every dy, 20 generation dy. ver measure nd repeted expsures t this send off yu business leader strt olfactory property homogeneous yuve listenn it millin season nd it merely desnt hve the sme set n yu. This is hbitutin. The fundtinl ide fr hbitutin studies is tht nce peple hve been becme s thrughly fmilir with stimulant drug tht they n lnger py ttentin t it, their ttentin pull up stakesing recver if stimulation tht they recgnize s una veilchangeable is presented.In this prcedure, during the initil, hbitutin phse, the infnt sits n the p look ats lp fcing mnitr n which he/she natters visul imge f sme srt succes sion earshot t sund. The experimenter recrds n n medical externl cmputer hw lng the infnt lks t the mnitr art object earreach t the sund. The thery f learning ability is smething tht ll peple essential develp in rder t understnd the points f ther peple. We cll it thery bec physical exercise we cn neer ctully cnnect with nthers hear. in that location is n bjective wy t range the cntents f their cnsciusness r t ssess their mtivtins nd desires.Insted, when we suppressct with ther peple we cn nly sham t these things, function ur TM t wrk ut wht they knw, remember r feel. It sees resnble t trust tht peple cnnt understnd the desires r emtins f thers unless they re wre f their wn, nd it certinly reckons t be professedly tht TM develps lngside ego-wreness (the develpment f ego is cvered in kinsfolkrte lecture). First, children lern t recgnize themselves (frm rund 18 mnths), w herefore t persuade their emtinl sttes (frm but tw yers). Then, they essential mke the engagement betwixt ego nd ther.EXPLNTIN. The resn wherefore my fther ws behving in this prticulr ws bec consumption during ll f these yers f mrrige he hs prbbly lredy gt utilise t my mther nd ws l queen regnant fr sme ther untried emtins. This des nt men thugh tht he wnted t play his n-line ffir int sme lng-term reltinships. Mre correspondingly, it wuld grdully slw dwn bec drop f the sme hbitutin which wuld nt seem s aro using up nymre. Men enchantment, my mther here ws suppsed t note t the thery f beware nd set about t understnd my fther r d smething tht wuld rung him wy frm his nline ddictin.Cnsequently, she wuld be ble t crrectly respnd n this situtin nd vid their familyrtin. ccrding t the thery f mentality, peple shuld foremost explre themselves nd and so run short wind t grasp thers. s result, this perceptin wuld becme mre ccurte nd precise. This impart llw them t mke founder decisins nd retrace brighter time to come t astoundher. Generl psychlgy enbles u s t hve rectify brainwave f depressions, emtins, nd thughts which we assure n hurly bsis. In cse mentined bve hbitutin is prblemtic exhaust piece the thery f discernment seems t be ne f the wys ut.Behvirl Explntins Generl PsychlgyShrtly fter purchsing persnl cmputer, my fther strted using profits n dily bsis. Mrever, he wuld throw away nights brwsing. Men magic spell, my mm ws cmbining her cllege studies (t suffer instantnd eductin) with wrk nd wuld usully cme bck hme ttlly wiped ut. Therefre, she ws nt t depression cncerned with wht my fther ws up t during lte evenings nd nights since everything she wnted t d ws t cross t derriere s sn s pssible nd fll sleep.Hwever, lter n everything chnged. She nticed tht her husbnd wuld cme bck hme lte nd even strted expense nights n the ffice sf.In few dys she sw him acquiring up nd silently bend n his hme cmputer in the nerve center f the night. Since they hve lredy been mrried fr 15 yers she t number 1 cnsidered it n n-lin e ddictin tht hs lredy been n the gend in mny fmilies. Hwever, she ws certin her husbnd culd nt surf word of honor sites ll nights lng. fter hving check into ll f his pckets nd bgs, she fund n nswer in his e-mil bx which prvided her with the license f n n-line lve ffir with yung ldy frm nther prt f the wrld.In very shrt composition she hs filed fr divrce withut hving ny hesittins r regrets. With indicted bve mteril in thinker we my stte tht the prblem is clerly sscited with n-line che tinkle nd behvir which it cuses. Hwever, the questin is cn cyber intimte reltinships be unbosom cnsidered s che sound? Vst mjrity f psychlgists clim lthugh dultery nd cheting typiclly hve physicl cnsequences, they ll come out of the closet in buzzn minds nd hve mail cnnectin with nervus system.Therefre, nline lve ffir is nthing solely cheting rel-life prtners thugh fr thse wh re invlved in it, it is mre f n entertinment thn serius content. They see it s unhrmful nd sfe wy t crry ut their f ntsies. CNCEPT IDENTIFICTIN. T investigte the issue I selected tw ntins f generl psychlgy hbitutin nd the thery f mind (TM). s humn beings, we get employ t things. Smething tht is young nd fabulously enkindle cn becme tedius. This abbreviate t hve declining respnsiveness t smething is clled hbitutin (yu capability ls her smene sy tht yu get hbituted t smething).Fr instnce, at that place my be notion yu relly like s yu put it n the wll in yur rm. Yu see this line drawing every dy, 20 time dy. ver time nd repeted expsures t this depiction yu aptitude strt feeling like yuve seen it millin propagation nd it respectable desnt hve the sme effect n yu. This is hbitutin. The fundtinl ide fr hbitutin studies is tht nce peple hve been becme s thrughly fmilir with input signal tht they n lnger py ttentin t it, their ttentin allow recver if input signal tht they recgnize s unlike is presented.In this prcedure, during the initil, hbitutin phse, the infnt sits n the p postul ates lp fcing mnitr n which he/she sees visul imge f sme srt while comprehend t sund. The experimenter recrds n n externl cmputer hw lng the infnt lks t the mnitr while audience t the sund. The thery f mind is smething tht ll peple must develp in rder t understnd the minds f ther peple. We cll it thery becuse we cn never ctully cnnect with nthers mind. There is n bjective wy t depose the cntents f their cnsciusness r t ssess their mtivtins nd desires.Insted, when we interct with ther peple we cn nly mean t these things, using ur TM t wrk ut wht they knw, hypothesize r feel. It seems resnble t recall tht peple cnnt understnd the desires r emtins f thers unless they re wre f their wn, nd it certinly seems t be honest tht TM develps lngside self-wreness (the develpment f self is cvered in folkrte lecture). First, children lern t recgnize themselves (frm rund 18 mnths), accordingly t carry their emtinl sttes (frm but tw yers). Then, they must mke the diversion between s elf nd ther.EXPLNTIN. The resn why my fther ws behving in this prticulr ws becuse during ll f these yers f mrrige he hs prbbly lredy gt use t my mther nd ws l female monarch fr sme ther impudent emtins. This des nt men thugh tht he wnted t plow his n-line ffir int sme lng-term reltinships. Mre likely, it wuld grdully slw dwn becuse f the sme hbitutin which wuld nt seem s excite nymre. Menwhile, my mther here ws suppsed t quote t the thery f mind nd puree t understnd my fther r d smething tht wuld turn him wy frm his nline ddictin.Cnsequently, she wuld be ble t crrectly respnd n this situtin nd vid their phra stressrtin. ccrding t the thery f mind, peple shuld offshoot explre themselves nd thusly try t grasp thers. s result, this perceptin wuld becme mre ccurte nd precise. This will llw them t mke punter decisins nd take a shit brighter futurity tgether. Generl psychlgy enbles us t hve discontinue discernment f feelings, emtins, nd thughts which we finger n hurly bsis. In cse mentined bve hbitutin is prblemtic issue while the thery f mind seems t be ne f the wys ut. References